Day 2/Highland high school
The second day at the Highland high school was great; I am learning a lot from this experience and grateful for this opportunity. Period one was Physical education and I did a C-9 assessment on the lesson. This assessment checks for the essential elements of instruction, teaching style and strengths and weaknesses of the lesson. According to my host teacher, the week before the holidays they allow the students to have kind of a recreational physical education class where they get to choose a sport and just play. I do not know if I agree with this so much because it is basically recess and this is vital time that can be used to learn. So there was not much to assess during the lessons throughout the week. The students pick from basketball, ping pong or badminton and play for the whole period. Period two was health class; we were still watching the student’s projects about mental health. This was the last day; the students had to hand in their packets with all the definitions. They also had to write two paragraphs on the mental health unit. Fourth period was another physical education class, this time I was not filling a assessment out so I was able to interact with the students. There were 16 students playing basketball and they were shooting for captains for one team. This is where I came in and broke them up into four teams and told them to play half court. This allowed more participation and no one was sitting out. I kept giving the students pointers on how to create space and tips on how to succeed in basketball. They really enjoyed my help. I noticed on student was left out and not being passed the ball and standing in one spot. In order to get him involved I made a rule up for the games, no one can shoot unless everyone touches the ball. This increased passing and made everyone feel a part of the team. This worked well because the one student was moving around more and even shot the ball. It felt so good to help a student out, I felt like I made his day. After class I walked up to him and told him he did a great job and gave him a high five. He smiled and I could tell he appreciated the help. This is a great example of why I love to teach, that simple moment made this whole experience worth wild. Seventh period we had another health class, we did the same exact thing as the period two health class, students handed in their work and the bell rang. The last period of the day was another physical education, once again the students got to choose a sport and they played the whole class. This class was smaller and didn’t need my help with setting up a game, we just shot around and I gave some positive feedback to the students. They seemed to enjoy when I commented on how well they were shooting, I don’t know if enough teachers do that. The entire school is getting to know me and students come up to me and ask me if I can stay in Highland and be their coach. It makes me feel proud that the students enjoy my company, I am affecting student’s life in a positive way and that is all I can ask for. I am excited for the rest of the week; hopefully I can have more great experiences.
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