Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Elementary Adaptions

Birds and Berries

Made by:
Albert A. Mercado

Three Learning Domains
Ø  Affective- teamwork and cooperation
Ø  Psychomotor- Any skill theme (start with walking or skipping) and V-seat
Ø  Cognitive- Remember what type of bird you are (name and picture)
Ø  Know how to successfully do the skill themes
Ø  Know the names of the skill themes
Ø  Know a what a V-seat is
Ø  Know types of birds.  Before actually do the game, teach about birds, what they eat what they look like, how they build nests.  (pictures, diagram of birds)
Ø  60 balls (yarn balls, gator balls) (berries)
Ø  30 hula hoops (nests)
Ø  15 poly spots (bushes)
Ø  Radio (music)
Ø  Use the width of your gymnasium or area you teach in.
Ø  On one end of the gym put 15 poly spots with a hula hoop around it and 4 balls on top of the spot.  Make sure the spots are spaced out from each other.  The students will be sitting on the spots. 
Ø  On the other end of the gym put the hula hoops, in line with the poly spots.  Making a running lane. 
When teaching elementary students relate the game or activity to something they like or can relate to.  Using birds is a great way to grab their attention.  Once you have their attention and they know we are all going to be flying around being birds, teach them a little about birds in general.  Make a cue board of all types of birds they might see around their yards.  Explain what birds do how they make nests and how they love berries.  Before you allow them to pick a bird fully explain the game we are going to be playing.  If you tell them to pick a bird they will lose focus on you and start talking about what bird they picked. After they know about birds go over proper V-seat form, demonstrate multiple times.  Maybe even have cues for this depending on the class.  
                The directions of the game are as followed, every bird has a partner, and they can be different types of birds.  These two partners are hungry and looking for food.  One bird is going to start in the nest (hula hoop) and one bird partner is going to start in the bush (poly spot).  When the teacher says go the student in the bush (poly spot) will pick up the berry (ball) and do a v-seat and squeeze the ball between their knees.  The other bird will be doing the skill theme of the teacher’s choice (start with skipping or walking with kindergarten) down to the bush and grab the berry from their partner and do the skill them back to their nest, placing the berry in the hula hoop (nest).  The team will do this until all their berries are gone.  The rules are, if the partner has to v-seat the whole time, they can only rest when picking up a new berry.  Demo the game before letting them start. 
                After the demo let the students pick a bird from the list of birds and pair them up or allow them to fly around and link wings with another bird.  Having the instant activity linked with this game would be a good idea.  Maybe bird tag, fly around like birds if they are tagged they have to V-seat, another bird can high five both hands to free them. 
Cognitive/Behavioral Disabilities-
Have the student pair up with another r bird and let them fly to the bush together.  Have them V-seat together and let their partner pick up two berries.
Visual Impairments-
Hang yarn or string from both walls so the student can run along the string.  Also sticking a beeper in the ball will make it easier for the student to bend down and pick it off the bush. 
Have the student pair up with another r bird and let them fly to the bush together.  Have them V-seat together and let their partner pick up two berries.
Hearing Impairments-
Hold up a flag when you want the students to stop. Have cue cards with all the skill themes so they can look at the sign and know what skill theme to do.   (use these sign for everyday activity in class)
Disabilities causing paraplegia-
Have the student hold their but off the chair, have the berry in their lap.
Have a mat and get the student out of their chair and do a seal a position they can do. 
Have the students in the nest hold the ball higher when the student comes along to grab it.  It is good for the student to bend down and reach for objects. 
They can hold a wheelie while the student runs and collects the berry.
Disabilities causing quadriplegia-
Have their partner v-seat until they get close enough to hand them the ball. 
When the student is collecting the berries have them on a mat doing a seal or a position of their ability.
Have the student weaving in and out of cones the whole time while their partner collects the berries.  (You can make a mini obstacle course they have to finish before their team is done)
They can hold a wheelie while the student runs and collects the berry.
Ø  Having the students do any skill theme from running to bear crawling to scooting down on scooters. 
Ø  Have the students holding the berries do any type of position or fitness activity. 
(do jumping jacks until the partner runs over and gets the berry, once they grab the second berry do a wall sit)
Ø  Have the students put squares of carpets on their shins when in the v-seat and but bean bags on top of the carpet.  (hold v-seat until all berries are gone)
Ø  Affective-
Did everyone use teamwork?
As a team did you compliment your partner more than once?
Was everyone honest?

Ø  Cognitive-
What is a v-seat?
Name one or more birds.
Name one rule in the birds and berry game.
Name cues.
Ø  Psychomotor-
Skipping, running, hopping (any skill theme)
Proper V-seat

Incorporating Wrestling in a School Setting

                                  Tire Wrestling
                    (Middle School)
Made By: Albert Mercado

·         Students will work on Cardiovascular endurance, Muscular strength, Muscular endurance, Flexibility
·         Students will also work on Balance, Coordination, Agility, Reaction time, Speed, Power
·         Students will work on safety on wrestling and how to properly touch
·         Students work on determination, teamwork
·         Matt safety
·         Listening to whistle blast
·         Knowing how to stay on the mat and not stand
·         inside of big tire
·         Wrestling mat
·         Four corners taped with a line Whistle

·         Lay wrestling mat out on gym floor, make sure the mat is washed properly before students come for class
·         Tape a line on each corner of the matt at equal lengths ( a foot from the corner)
·         Post warm up tell students to line up in height order, break up the class into four equal teams
·         The game is basically four way tug of war; the students have to crawl to the center where the teacher is holding the tire.  The students grab hold to a side of the tire and to gain a point the student has to touch the line which they started from.  The students cannot stand the entire time.  Teams are encouraged to cheer on their team member.  The students will pull for no longer than 45 seconds then the whistle will blow.  If one team is winning you can encourage having allies with members, both grabbing from one side and pulling the classmate who is strongest. 
·         Once the students understand the game and play it safely adding a bean bags half the way to the tire on each corner of the mat is a new challenge.  The students not only have to pull the tire but they have to grab the bean bag and toss it to the edge of the matt.  You can earn points for tossing the bag to the corner and by dragging the tire and touching the line.  Letting go of the tire to grab the bean bag and tossing is very difficult but it takes a lot of concentration to do so. 
Visual impairments-
Tape a rope straight to the tire into the mat and two pieces of rope sectioning off their group.  The student can feel the rope which is under the tape knowing if he/she is straight on or coming close to the end of their section.  Their team can cheer so saying pull left or right is very helpful. 
Hearing impairments-
Having a green light for go and a red light for stop are important.  Do not only use these signs for this student, have the whole class stop and go through the signs.  Learning signs for great job and compliments is also key. 
Disabilities causing paraplegia and disabilities causing quadriplegia- 
Having students out of their wheel chair is important, this is a game where they can stretch out and enjoy the mat.  The teacher is holding the tube the entire time so making sure there is no serious pulling to injure anyone is important.  Athletes that have disabilities wrestle all the time, teaching this skill at a young age without physical contact will strengthen confidence and work on muscular strength.  If a student is overwhelmed with four teams, having two teams is more control able.  And if the student cannot crawl to the tube we can have them roll if possible or everyone can start right next to the tube and only pull not crawl away with the tube.  Just the pulling motion is great for fitness. Also having pairs go out and work together is another example, two people from each team can come out and pull together.  If pulling is a problem, just crawling touching the tube and crawling to the bean bag and throwing and then getting behind the line is another example.  Moving low to the ground is something which is practiced during this activity.
·         Having students crawl to the center and grab an object and crawling back is another variation. 
·         Having students keep a soccer ball out of their section is also another game which is stemmed from this. 
·         How many compliments were said during each game?
·         Proper form with crawling?
·         Teamwork
·         Muscular strength
·         How to stay low on the mat (very important in wrestling)
·         Cognitive cues on staying low and pulling
·         Cognitive questions on safety

Monday, April 9, 2012

Physical Education Philosophy

           As a physical educator who is dedicated to producing physically educated students, I know that with enthusiasm and the proper tools all my students can become physical educated.  My career of selling fitness, lifelong activity and health to the future of our country is very significant to me.  Using my tools of the New Era physical education I know I can positively affect every student I come in contact with. 
            Physical education has become very professional with our own language which describes tools we use in our field.  New York State and National standards met during each lesson is imperative.  Spending equal time touching on all three learning domains of what students know, do and value is a must.  Using a top down plan when using scope in each grade level and sequence in a district’s curriculum will promote teaching grade and or age specific skills and activities. 
            I know physical education does not just deal with one subject matter, I strongly believe in Interdisciplinary Curriculum.  Having academic integration in a district I teach in is important to me.  Allowing all students to gain an education no matter what type of learning style they prefer.  Learning through movement can be helpful in all subjects from Mathematics to English.  Having creativity of crafting new unique lessons which incorporate topics students need extra time with is all part of the trade. 
            I am a believer of using different teaching styles to adapt to the class’s needs, whether it is guided discovery, divergent or self-check.  Making sure as a teacher you break out of your comfort zone and do what is best for educating your students.  Focus on multiple models throughout the year including, adventure education, or movement education model which deals with using skill themes based off the movement wheel.
            As a physical educator I will use proper assessment with reliability and validity to promote learning, to verify learning has taken place, to set and meet goals and have to accountability of my lessons.  I will use authentic assessment, rubrics and criteria for affective, cognitive and psychomotor learning domains. Assessing throughout the school year is a priority of mine and I will encourage students, parents and staff that physical education is vital to student’s education and well-being.